Thursday, March 18, 2010

Entertaining Little Ones With Sliding Glass Doors

What? Lisa, are you crazy? What on earth are you talking about?

I know, I know - I can tell that's what you're thinking. Just hear me out. I'm missing my little munchkins a lot lately - when my kids were shrimps, that is. They are all three teenagers and the boys are taller than I, with these uber deep 'man' voices. It is so weird.

Well, the other day I was in the dollar store with my daughter. We were just browsing around, not looking for anything in particular. I had purposely left my debit card in the car, as I've been known to cause some *shiver* damage in a dollar store. Something about everything being just ONE DOLLAR makes me go a little on the crazy, loony bird side!

The store had put out all of the Easter goodies. And there was one section that really caught my eye and almost made me tear up. Window clings. That's right, window clings. For Easter.

You see, I used to have window clings for every. single. holiday. imaginable. I had them all organized in their own envelopes and set up neatly on a shelf in my office closet. I knew right where they were, I could get them out at a moment's notice. I was so much more organized when the kids were little.

Anyway, back to the window clings. We had this uber huge sliding door in our kitchen that was glass. It was awesome. I'd never seen one so big in a house before. It was "Window Cling Heaven"! So every holiday that popped up, I'd run back in my office and pull out the appropriate clings and the kids and I would sit on the floor and divide them up evenly and let them go to town on that big door!

It was so much fun! And more often than not, that door was covered with clings! I'm telling you what - kids love those things! (And so do I!)

But then, the unthinkable happened. Mark started remodeling that house. Eeks! Yep - that door was outta there! He put a regular door in there and installed a very nice window beside it. The window was cool - some fancy new thing that was very expensive. (You won't believe the things people THROW AWAY off of job sites - nuts!!)

Not getting to do window clings anymore was not our only problem with that door, either. The door handles were so completely awful, that the children absolutely could not do them. They would get stuck outside all the time. It was really awful, would totally freak them out.

We moved out of that house to our next not long after that, though. And besides, I think the kids were getting sick of window clings.

(I still love them, though!)


Michelle | said...

That sounds like a good way to spice things up. I know I'll go crazy decorating that with window clings so that's perfectly normal!

Unknown said...

They are definitely fun!! :)