Uh, yeah. Seriously. Sammie came home today, "Momma - they were passing out Bibles at school today! Some man came and gave us all Bibles!"
And she was pretty excited. And it's a cool pocket-sized one. Which, I think is neat. And she was happy that she could keep it in her backpack. And that's all good.
But damn, ya'll! Bibles - with Jesus in them - at P.U.B.L.I.C. school!
And on home-game-Fridays, people from local Baptist and Methodist churches come and feed the kids free biscuits and gravy before school. Patrick knew they did that, but, didn't know who was providing them. You know how informative male creatures can be, especially those in the throes of teenage hormone-dom! So I looked it up on the school website, to find out it was from these churches.
And when the boys came home, I asked them, "Did they preach at ya'll?" (I know I should probably say 'to you', but, I'm a little miffed, ok?!)
And Patrick said, "No, but, people could go up to the podium and pray if they wanted to. You know, pray to win the game."
It irritates me so much, I almost don't even want to admit that Jesus is in my heart. I feel like kicking the government-ignoring, separation-of-church-and-state-defying, long-haired dude right out of my heart!
Ok, I know, this is not Jesus' doing. These are the actions of humans. Humans who have apparently not joined us in the 21st century.
It is so wrong on so many levels.
Miffed. I'm definitely miffed.
I'm just gonna sit here miffed for a while, why don't you go read this:
Separation of Church and State - at Wikipedia
Well I have stayed away from my religious views on my site so far because I fear too many people would be closed minded (and I'm trying to make it "rant free". It is so nice to read your blog and know that there are people out there who believe in god and also believe in the separation of church and state! I don't think bible give aways would happen where we live but if they did I'd be sure to make a huge stink!
Thank you so much for your visit, your thoughts and your kind words - I really appreciate it!
I don't honestly know that there is much that I can do here, because, it would pretty much be like going up against a whole town.
Although, the other day, driving home from dropping my daughter off at school, I did have the rather devious thought that I would go up there and hand out Korans!!!
You have no idea how much I would love to do that!!
I'm with ya and I would freak out if they came to our school and did that.
Good to know I'm not alone in my feelings! Thanks for commenting! :)
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