Thursday, September 13, 2007

I won the scrapbooking goodies from Heaven!

I'm so excited! I can't believe I won! Ok, let me back up a little - remember when I told you about the really cool contest at K8's blog where you could win a whole boatload of scrapbooking goodies?

Well, I got a message from her yesterday that I won! I cannot wait to see all of those goodies!

I must thank my sweet friend, Laura - because, it was on her blog that I found out about the contest! Yep, I read it on her funny and full-of-munchkin-fun blog, Twinfinite Chaos. So - THANK YOU, LAURA!!

And THANK YOU, K8! I'm so excited! And I'm so glad to have met K8 - she blogs at Three Wild Monkeys and she is so funny! I'm serious, if you're feeling down - go visit K8, she'll have you laughing in no time!

Now I'm just gonna have to get off my 'scrapping laurels' and get to work!

My mom took me to NYC in 2000 - just the two of us, it was SO. MUCH. FUN. and I have been meaning to scrap that for-ev-er!! So maybe that is where I'll start!


Stefani @ said...

Congrats on your win! It is always a nice surprise to win something...

Unknown said...

Thanks, Stefani! I know - I'm always so thrilled when I win something, but, this is a big something - so I'm SUPER thrilled!! Heehee