My two sweet boys...
In an hour and some minutes, Shawn will be 13 and then for ten hours, I will have two 13 year olds!
Two 13 year olds?! Agh! Where's the door?! HA!
I cannot believe I am soon to be the mother of two
I had a super-sweet, ushy-gushy post mapped out a bit in my head, but, some of my aching, old-lady, mom-of-two-teens body parts are sore and sapping all the brain cells right outta my head!
Well, my aches have saved you from the sap. How 'bout that? Good for you - bad for me - now the sap is still stuck inside me somewhere... I'm sure I'll come back and get it out sometime today!
FYI, Shawn was born at 9:34am and Patrick was born at 7:35pm - so that accounts for the 'two 13 year olds' thing. That and Shawn and I get so much pleasure out of giving Patrick grief for it. *Evil Momma*
Awww... happy birthday to your boys!
Thank you, Alli!! :D
Happy birthday to your sweet boys! I've got two birthdays coming up in October - one 10 and one 16.. eek.. I'm so proud of them.
I just noticed you're in Alabama. So am I. Near Auburn.
Thank you, Cher! 16? Oh my - driver's license time! Agh!
We're not far from Birmingham!
Hmnn. They look like angels! Was the post above this one about those two sweeties?
Why, yes - they are masters of disguise, are they not? Heehee!
It was about them and the older one's slumber party guests all gathered around the computer! LOL!
happy belated birthday to your guys
Thank you so much, Deb!!!
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