I thought you might want to see what I woke up to today! LOL! I have recently discovered that it is quite comical to have short hair - because when you wake up in the morning - you never know what you're going to find!
HERE to see how to play along with us, and go
HERE to see all of today's pics!!
I love it! :) Very cute picture of you. :)
I see the do follow image on your blog, but when I view source on my comment, i see the nofollow tag. just thought you might want to know.
HAHAHA! That's a cute picture!
Your short hair makes you look younger. I can't get mine any shorter.
Thank you, Cynthia! On both counts - I installed a new theme last week and I have forgotten this thing and that thing, and I'm slowly discovering them! Thank you!
Thanks, Julie! Now quit yer laughin', you!
Thank you, Martin!! And you crack me up!!
Ok, this is weird - I see the tag in the code, but, I haven't taken them out yet. And when I select 'highlight nofollow links' on my Firefox browser, it doesn't highlight them. So odd.
Anyone know?
Ok, going to take the code out...
Ok, now it's highlighting them - but, I have messed up my template
Gonna go to Walmart, then come home and search frantically for Loretta and LaDonna to help me!!!
Hmmmmmm - so I'm not the only one who wakes up looking like a pinhead sometimes? JK, darling! You lool mah-ve-lous ... as always!
LOL, Skeet! Yep - it's the 'curse of the short hair'!!
Thank you! :D
I love the bed head!! You're so cute!! I've never had fabulous bed head... it's always just a little fuzzy and messed up.
Awww...thank you, Jenn! Heehee
That's very cute. Yes, strange poofiness! Short hair for the win :)
Thanks, Cat! Yeah, it's funny, huh?
Is yours doing that, too?
I still can't get used to you with short hair, but mine does the same thing if it's any consolation.
OH my gosh...yes! When my hair is shorter, it does all funky stuff when I wake up
That's funny, Cass, from someone I haven't really known that long - like I would imagine maybe Tracy (SIL) might say that, but... so it's kind of funny! ;) It's not permanent, anyway - I think I'll cut it one more time, to make it good and short to start the summer, and make sure I got all the 'unhealthies' off - and then grow, grow, grow! Like a clean slate! heehee - hey! that makes my head a work of art! How do you like that?? LOL!
Deb - I know, it's too funny, some of the 'hairstyles' I wake up with!! :D
Cute pic! I can identify with the crazy hair in the morning, even if mine is long! ^.^
Thanks, Mary!! :)
Mine didn't get quite so crazy in the morning when it was long...
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