Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lego Grandfather clock!

Now isn't that the coolest thing ever? Or do you just have to be a lego-nerd to fully appreciate it? Haha! Not that I am any good at building with Lego's, although I do love playing with them. But that does not stop my sheer fascination with them! The guy who built that spent three years perfecting it. It is made completely of Legos except for the weights and the filament on which the weights are hung. Totally amazing!

I used to be really, really love grandfather clocks. I am still seriously impressed with them, and when I see one, I will generally spend quite a bit of time looking at it, but, I am just not quite as obssessed as I used to be. It's weird how that happens - just one of those phases people go through, I guess.


Anonymous said...

(hides screen from 8 year old lego freak sitting behind her on the floor ...) guess what he's doing? yup, playing with legos!

Unknown said...


Hey - that guy is a professional Lego builder - you better hide his whole portfolio!!!

Anonymous said...

We're big Lego people. Pretty cool what people can build!

Unknown said...

Yeah, this guy's stuff was amazing!!

You should see what I build! Ha! It's pitiful - but, I still love putting it together!

I don't know if I said this in the post, but, I remembered it when the boys' Lego catalog came the other night and we were talking about it - Lego is going to come out with weights, so soon that clock will be all Lego's except for the filament! Wow!