Saturday, March 03, 2007

My favorite RockStartup episode

I think the RockStartup episodes just keep getting better and better, and while I must say I loved the Colleen and Sindy 'Reverse Postie Patrol' episode, my favorite so far is Episode 12.

This is Episode 12, Feelin' Randy:

I love being privy to the 'business' of PayPerPost! I think that is so very cool! As a postie, I find it really interesting and it also helps to make me feel like a part of the team.

I think it really helps to build morale, and is a big part of why there is so much support for PayPerPost.

Now, as a non-postie, watching reality tv, I don't know, maybe I would like the 'fun' episodes better. And I do like those - I loved watching Robyn run through the streets of freeeeezing Chicago like a crazy woman - and I loved watching Ted have a taste of his own medicine in the Reverse Postie Patrol. And how priceless was Ted, chucking up all that pizza in a parking lot?

But as a postie, I am just loving getting to see the behind-the-scenes nitty gritty of the daily business. I truly find that fascinating. I could just be a geek - who knows?

So, I suppose, a good mix of both would be what I would recommend - fun and crazy like the wild and goofy computer geeks we all are, and the nitty gritty day-to-day running of a business so we get to see how it's all done!

You just need that perfect mix - like any good recipe!

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