Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Are they American Idol fakers?

Ok, so the family and I watched the first show - and once again, I find myself asking - are they for real?

Granted, there were a few good ones on there - that girl that could sing like Shakira - oh my gosh! She was so awesome!

However - some of these people who were not good, just absolutely floor me! Can you really not know that you are really awful at singing?

I mean, some of the 'bad' ones were those mediocre-type singers, whom I could see would maybe think they might - possibly - have a snowball's chance in Hades of getting passed on to Hollywood. People who sing around the house, in church choir, and hey, they're not so bad. 'Mediocre singers.'

But I am telling you right now that there is a conspiracy! There has to be! Some of these other people are SO BAD - I simply cannot fathom how they can NOT know it! They just have to know they are bad, they have to!

I'm serious, I think some of these people just go on there to be on TV for a few minutes - to get their 'fifteen minutes of fame'. Honestly!

And every year, Mark and I argue about it - he says these people are completely clueless - they have no idea. They think they might have that snowball's chance in Hades to make it on to Hollywood!! Crazy, I tell you!

What do you think? Is there a conspiracy here? Or what?


Loretta @ Stitching the Night Away said...

Sometimes its just as good to be the worst contestant on AI as it is to be the best contestant on AI ;)

Unknown said...

Yep - exactly!! :D

Crazy, I tell ya - it's just crazy!

Amy said...

I think the bad ones know. They
HAVE to.

Colleen said...

I think they're doing it for the fame. Everyone wants to be so bad, that they're on all of the news shows and such.

Jennifer said...

I agree... these people are definitely in it for their little bit of fame. That's why I thought it was so silly that everyone was miffed by how "mean" the judges were being this year. Please. They knew just what they were getting into!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I've felt that they're probably just doing it to get on TV, and actually do know. Especially after what happened with that Hung guy, they probably figure they might be so bad they'll get a CD too.

Kat said...

I think a lot of the auditions are staged. They realized they had a good funny thing after season 1 auditions, so why not get the worst of the worst to come out and be made fun of?

Anonymous said...

I think that some of them know and some of them are just clueless. Some of the tantrums you see afterwards just look staged.

Suni said...

I agree with Kat. They can't have that many clueless people actually coming through.

Anonymous said...

Simon was on 60 minutes last night in an interview with Anderson Cooper...and he was saying the auditions they show are people who TRULY think they are good, the 15 mins of fame people, they don't usually broadcast...the ones looking to be an arse.

Anonymous said...

Well shoot. I forgot to watch Simon on 60 minutes last night. It is a great show. There are some real looneys out there for sure.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm here via the PPP carnival. Hmmm, another American Idol post here.... I might have to bite the bullet and check this show out already!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, everyone - for joining in the conversation here with me!

It looks like it must go a little bit of both ways, huh?

Fakers and ignorants...

Anonymous said...

Remember the guy from the very first episode, William Hunn?

Anonymous said...

I think some are fake. I think others just have never been told they don't sing well. We are all about building self esteem these days and forget that you have to have a bit a truth in there!

Unknown said...

Denise - no, I don't think I remember him... maybe sorta....

Cecile - that is such a good point!! So true, so true!

Anonymous said...

The American Idol contestants do not look like like fakers to me, but the Malaysian Idol contestants definitely look like a whole silly bunch!

Unknown said...

Ah...well, then - there's a whole 'nother bunch of sillies for us to laugh at, eh?
