Saturday, December 16, 2006

PayPerPost Full Disclosure Part 2

PayPerPost is the coolest freakin' company - allowing bloggers like myself to make money blogging about things we personally take an interest in, have used, or just really love!

They provide a multitude of opportunities about which we can blog, and we are free to choose which ones best fit in with our blogs, our tones of voice, and our lives. Very cool!

And the company is now going to be announcing the second part of its disclosure policy. This is a great move - for all of us - the company, the bloggers, and the advertisers.

The first step was - a very cool site that helps you generate your very own disclosure policy to have on your site. I have actually gone through the process, which was quite simple, but, I have not yet figured out how to make that page for it. It is time to get on the ball.

I don't think that anyone minds our posting blog ads when we are all fully transparent about it...and that transparency is what has been the cause of the blogosphere firestorm surrounding PayPerPost since its brilliant inception. And now - with complete transparency, that has even got Mike Arrington of giving our Ted a high five! --and maybe even a pottery/manicure date! LOL!

Now I guess I better go figure out how to add my disclosure page...I guess it's kind of like an extra 'about' page...hmm...

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