Thursday, May 29, 2008

I Love May a.k.a. 'Spoil Lisa Month'

I've had so much fun with all of my spoiling this month! Every year, I swear, when May 1st hits, I get excited butterflies in my stomach! "It's my month, it's my month - hey kids! It's my month today!" They always look at me kinda strange, but hey - that's normal, right? Ha!

I suppose I should back up a bit and tell you exactly why I consider May to be my month! First, there is, of course, Mother's Day - and then not too long after that comes my birthday - and just days after that comes my wedding anniversary! See - so do you know what that spells? Lots of gifts for Lisa! ;)

We had my big family party last weekend - aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, mothers-in-law - well, to be fair - they are all in-laws. The only blood relatives I have in Alabama are my children, well, and Puppy! ;) Haha!

But you can see here, that even they spoiled me - all them in-law types! Haha! Like my Alabama grammar? Hey - I'm catchin' on purdy quick like!

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