Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The prettiest Hippie Spelunker you've ever seen!

Does this place look great, or what?? This new template would be the work of my good friend, Loretta!

She is one Webmistress Extraordinaire!! She runs some really great sites and she does some really cute templates, as you can see!

Where I check in with her and see what she and her rowdy band of men are up to is at Thoughts Out of My Head - Random Bits of Life by Loretta - where she blogs about all kinds of things that I can relate to - I am constantly nodding my head over there!

She also runs one of my very favorite blogs, because I know for a fact, I am Just Not Martha! If you are nodding and giggling, I think you know what I mean, and I think you better head over there right now!

Loretta is also a stitcher and she has created a wonderfully informative site with a bustling community of stitchers, called Stitching the Night Away. I just absolutely adore her design over there - but, the community that she has created for stitchers to get together and talk about their craft, or even just what is going on in their lives, is awesome! And to go along with her stitching site, she has a blog, called Craft Blog - All Things Crafty and Creative, where all crafters can feel at home!

Now go on - check out my chica - she ROCKS and I love her!! Go now!


Loretta @ Stitching the Night Away said...

I'm glad you like your pretty colors, that accidental color entry was pretty good wasn't it? LOL Thanks for the mentions and the linkies and all the blog love! I'm glad I could help you make your blog match your personality with it's funness (is that a word?)

Unknown said...

It was 'The Perfect Accident' - LOL!!

You're very welcome for the mentions and the linkies!!!

You're so sweet!!!

lattégirl said...

Hi Lisa! I'm over here from the Geeky Speaky Board, where I was intrigued by your Spelunkin' friendly self.

I love the layout of your page! Since you mentioned it, asking if we like it, well, yes!

I look forward to reading your archives to get an idea of who u are and stuff.

Anonymous said...

you have been tagged here:

Anonymous said...

I really like the layout. It's definitely you!

Unknown said...

Aww, lattegirl - how sweet you are! Thank you and thank you for popping over here to visit me! I know I've seen you around all these places we blogger haunt!! :D

Aw, Nellie! Thank you for tagging me again!! :D

Cat - thank you so much!! I do love it!! :D

Anonymous said...

It looks awesome! Retta rocks.

Unknown said...

Thank you! And YES!! She totally does!!!