Blogging has been so cool because it is so fun and interesting to get to know and learn about other people and their lives. It's like a window into their world, and I've enjoyed looking into Lisa's world!
To participate in Supahstar Saturday, write an entry on your blog about Lisa’s blog with 2 or 3 links to entries that you enjoyed. Then return to the Supahstar entry about her at GeekySpeaky, and leave a comment with a link. You’ve got a whole week to write and submit an entry about Lisa, and once you’ve participated in 5 separate Supahstar Saturdays, you’re eligible to be picked as a featured blogger!
For more info and guidelines, please read Colleen's post explaining how Supahstar Saturday works.
Thanks! I actually borrowed the widget from Melissa's blog cuz it is cool.
You're welcome!
Yeah - I love that thing!! :)
Just out and about reading other Supahstar posts. Lots of love for that widget.
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