Saturday, May 05, 2007

Lisa is the Supahstar!

No, not me, silly! Lisa that writes at My Thoughts, Ideas, and Ramblings! Lisa is a cool mommy blogger that I've met through the PayPerPost forums. She has an adorable three year old daughter and is expecting her second baby - and you can see a 'picture' of baby number two on her blog! That's right, she has a super cool 'expecting mama' widget! Totally awesome! I've enjoyed visiting her blog over the months and 'watching' the baby grow! Her cousin recently advised her to go ahead and get the crib set up for the new baby, in an effort to prepare her daughter for the new arrival! I think that is a great idea! Lisa was also awarded the Thinking Blogger Award by Kat - very cool!

Blogging has been so cool because it is so fun and interesting to get to know and learn about other people and their lives. It's like a window into their world, and I've enjoyed looking into Lisa's world!

To participate in Supahstar Saturday, write an entry on your blog about Lisa’s blog with 2 or 3 links to entries that you enjoyed. Then return to the Supahstar entry about her at GeekySpeaky, and leave a comment with a link. You’ve got a whole week to write and submit an entry about Lisa, and once you’ve participated in 5 separate Supahstar Saturdays, you’re eligible to be picked as a featured blogger!

For more info and guidelines, please read Colleen's post explaining how Supahstar Saturday works.


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I actually borrowed the widget from Melissa's blog cuz it is cool.

Unknown said...

You're welcome!

Yeah - I love that thing!! :)

Anonymous said...

Just out and about reading other Supahstar posts. Lots of love for that widget.