I woke up the other morning with a 102 degree fever and throat so sore that I couldn't hardly swallow! Ug! Dang me, dang me - it is just one thing after another lately! Life has been supremely crazy! (I feel like escaping to some Villas in Italy!)I went to the doc this morning and he says I've got tonsillitis and the lumps in my armpits are folliculitis, just as the other doc had said. More antibiotics.
So I'm feeling too sick to blog. My brain, however, has a million and one things it wants to tell you. "Oh yeah, I've got to blog that!" "Oh yes, I definitely need to blog that!" etc, etc.....
My body is screaming at me to get back in bed, though. You know - it would be kind of handy if I had some type of uplink from my brain to my blog - so you guys could keep up and all...
For now, I guess you'll just have to wait with bated breath to hear (read) all of the earth-shattering news I have to share with you. I'm going to lie in bed with a fresh cup of joe (migraine guard) and read my copy of Website Magazine - and try to feel like I'm still here amongst my cyber-world.
Happy Wednesday.
Feel better, get some rest, take some Excedrin and a hot bath ... (and TAG you're it! LOL :) *grins and runs away*)
How are you today? Tracy told me you have tonsilitis. You were probably getting it last weekend, huh?
Did you know that David used to get folliculitus (is that right?)? He got scabs all over his head. I think it only happened during that "bad period."
I love you.
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