I know I'm just a big 'ol worry wart, but, I am so glad that she is back! She was supposed to get in last night in Dallas at 10:30pm, but, she didn't actually get in until 2:30am! Yikes!
And she had quite an eventful journey home - screaming, crying babies -- vomiting children -- rowdy high schoolers - oh my! I can feel a migraine coming on just thinking about it!
She had a great time in Spain, though - she gave us a mini-rundown by email while she was still there, but, I can't wait to hear all about all the rest of it!
My dad and my sister-in-law took turns taking care of her little baby girl - you remember, this one: Tori-Olivia/Lucie
And then the two big babies got to go to 'sleep-away camp' - heehee! It is this really GREAT place out in the country north of Dallas, called Tailwaggers Country Inn. We took Lucky there and he LOVED it!! She just picked those two up tonight and they actually seemed kind of bummed to be home. I told her that Lucky did the same thing and that it is just like picking up kids from sleep-away camp! "Aw, mannnn! I miss camp!"
So, anyway - she's home, the dogs are all back where they're supposed to be - and all is right with my world again. Well, except for the fact that we're 700 miles apart! *sigh*
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