Monday, March 12, 2007

Ted Murphy ROCKS my SOCKS off!!

Ted Murphy! I'm a married woman!
Shame on you - lookin' at my BARE feet!!! Giggle

Seriously, though - Ted Murphy rocks and his company, PayPerPost, rocks!

See - they're hosting this way cool blogger's conference called PostieCon, in Orlando, Florida on June 1st and 2nd of this year. This thing is gonna be hot, ya'll, red hot!! I want to go so badly!

The way things are shaping up around my neck of the woods, I'm not going to be able to financially pull it off.

There is now, however, a contest to win your way to the conference, courtesy of PayPerPost!!!

What kind of contest, you say? It's a referral contest!

So let me tell you how FANTABULOUS getting paid to blog is!!! I freaking LOVE IT!!

I am contributing to our household's income without ever leaving home!

I am doing something I really love!

I am finding out about some really cool websites, merchants, business people!

I found a low-cost, natural, healthy treatment for my dog's ear infection - by blogging about it!

One night, I was reminded about Geocaching by doing a paid blog post about GPS units and accessories, and it just so happened the next day my brother was coming in town and I planned our afternoon together around Geocaching! And we had a blast - and he got to see some really cool spots in my new town! And that was totally thanks to PayPerPost and paid blogging!!

Seriously, I love it and you will, too! And all you have to do to sign up is click the button below:

If you come back to my blog later wanting to sign up and lose track of this post, you will find a button just like the one above in my sidebar!

Don't make the mistake I made - I delayed joining and then once I joined, I delayed submitting my blogs - and look at all that I was missing!

Sign up today and get your blogs submitted and GET PAID TO BLOG!! You will love it!

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