Monday, March 12, 2007

Canine Mathematics

x 100 =

Could the two of them get any cuter? Seriously? Adorable! I was sitting on my bed the other day and talking to the kids about the little baby Chihuahua, whom I like to call Tori-Olivia, that my mother is fostering right now...

And I got this mental picture that was quite funny and ludicrous all at the same time!

I told the kids to look at my bed, (it's a queen size) and picture 100 Tori-Olivia's on my bed!

And that would EQUAL LUCKY!!! Oh my goodness - isn't it so funny when you look at it like that?

I just love that little girlie ...and shhh! Don't tell my mom, but, I hope she caves and keeps her - I love her so much!!!

My mom does a lot of animal rescue work, and works with a lot of animal rescues, and since I keep talking about this sweet girlie, I oughta give them some link love while I'm at it - the group through which she is fostering this precious girl is Paws In the City. Check them out - they do a lot of good work! They are always in need of help and donations!


Anonymous said...

I am a HUGE dog lover, and a total sucker for puppies! I must have sat here Oooing and Awwing over those pictures for at least 2 or 2 minutes! LOL

Anonymous said...

Um, make that 2 or 3. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to foster care some cute little puppy dogs, but hubby is such a dog person we'd end up with like 10 little dogs running around and me sneezing my head off!