Sunday, February 11, 2007

She's still a Supahstar on Sunday!

There's a wonderful new meme that hit the blogosphere yesterday! It's called 'Supahstar Saturday' - and I admit, I may have goofed this one up a bit. LOL The blogging queen who started this meme, Colleen (hey - 'Colleen the Blogging Queen' - that's kinda cute! heehee) anyhoo - she said that you have all week to get your entries in, so when yesterday was supremely chaotic, I thought it would be fine to wait a day. However, as I sat down to write, I realized the weirdness of having waited. Well - that's okay, because our first Supahstar is a star every day, I'd say!

And that first Supahstar would be Loretta, one of my favorite new blogging friends! She is a very sweet lady and definitely a Supahstar mom!

She has four 'stairstep boys' - and they are so cute! And let me tell you, my two boys are trying to have me sent to the funny farm on the speedy train today! But - four? Wow! That's amazing! They are all so cute, and I love that picture of them - you can 'see' their four separate personalities in that shot! I love it! And - they are four little brainiacs! See? She really is a Supahstar Mom!!

And one of her other kids, Maurice, the cat - has plenty of his own personality! That is one cat that is not going to be overlooked!

Loretta is just a really nice gal, and I am so glad to have met her! Now get over there - so you can meet her, too!


Loretta @ Stitching the Night Away said...

Thanks for the visit and the kind words :) I truly appreciate it!

Unknown said...

You are so welcome!! :)