Monday, February 05, 2007

ChaCha and PayPerPost - new, exciting stuff!

That's right - they both have new stuff coming out!

ChaCha has a new application for the guides coming out - soon! And it looks awesome!

I can't wait to poke around in it!

And PayPerPost is rolling out changes tonight at midnight!

It is so exciting working with these two companies - watching them grow, change, and occasionally hiccup!

I am having a blast! I just love that I am getting to work from home!


Anonymous said...

We let you work from home too!


Jim Turner
Bloggers For Hire

Loretta @ Stitching the Night Away said...

I just got an invite to Cha Cha ... you'll have to give me the inside scoop some night ;)

Unknown said...

Paying you a visit, Jim!

Yes, Retta - we'll talk, girl! :)