Thursday, January 04, 2007

Meme time

I've been tagged for a meme by Kim over at Devilish Southern Belle.

1. What was your given birth name? (no last names to protect identity) Lisa Marie
2. What was your favorite childhood toy? Either my 3 story Barbie house in Kind/1st grade or my Stomper trucks in 6th grade...toss up there, but I still go crazy when I see little toy trucks that look like those did! ha!
3. Who was your best friend in grade school? Jennifer (when we lived in apts.) and Michelle (when we moved to our house)
4. Who gave you your first kiss ever? Ken
5. Who did you have a crush on in high school? Tim H. (I wasn't completely sure of his name and had to look him up - boy! he was CUTE! heehee)

Now I am, in turn, sending the questions to Amy. That person then must post on their blog, the 5 questions plus, Lisa sent these to me ( with a link to my site, and I'm sending them to blank, (with a link to their site)
Then that person must post on their blog the 5 questions plus that they got them from the person I sent them to and who they will be sending them to. Easy enough?

Please say you'll play along!

This little game is not only a fun little filler post, but it also is a link love post. You should get a few hits from people who are visiting to see who you got it from and who you are sending it to.

2 comments: said...

Thanks for playing along!

Anonymous said...

New here. I clicked on the link at Kim's site. Cool site.