Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Angelina Jolie without her kids on Christmas

Love her or hate her, Angelina Jolie news is very sought after! We all seem to want to know what she is up to all the time!

I used to be a giant fan, and I am still quite obssessed with her, although I'm not sure I'm still a fan. I suppose I probably am.

Anyway, she and Brad Pitt spent Christmas day without their children.

They were in Costa Rica with Columbian war refugees, spreading her own personal message that, "the world has not totally forgotten them".

I am not sure how old Maddox is, her oldest child - oh, wait - didn't he start school this year? So he would be at least five, right?

I was going to say maybe the kids - her kids - are too young to notice that Mommy is gone on such a special day. But - Maddox would definitely know it!

I am not quite sure how I feel about this - I have known plenty of 'do-gooders' - or at least read of, who spend so much time 'doing good' that their own family is ignored.

I've been known to fall into the trap myself with PTA goings-on. It is indeed a slippery slope - everyone is praising you, and you really are contributing so much, and you don't quite know when to say 'No'.

So I don't know - I think this could be one more smudge on my 'I'm not really sure if I'm a fan' decision.



Anonymous said...

Ugh.....she should have been with her family on the holiday, plain and simple. I love what she does for these war torn countries, but the holidays are for family, and she should have spent it with them.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that's pretty odd, really. The woman - and man, who both wanted kids so badly...