My friend, Amy, showed me a really cool new Firefox Addon. Do you see how pretty I was able to make her? Heehee!
My friends and I always try to keep each other up to date on the newest Addons available through Firefox. We are diehard Firefox fans! (Uh-oh, except for Suni, who seems to have defected on us last week. Oh, for shame!)
This addon is called Picnik and their main website is here: Picnik. I have been using Jing from Techsmith for a while now, so it will be interesting to see how this compares. So far, I'm completely thrilled with it. I even see something in there for a post that's been brewing in my head all morning. So Picnik is on the same page with me - that's a plus, for sure!
Umm. Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Lisa? LOL!
Uh, no ma'm ...uh, I was just, uh - takin' notes here...yeah...uh...
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